Buat Yang Tersayang

Saturday 19 April 2014

Berserban Putih, Bersuara Lantang.... Dialah Dalip Bhagwan Singh.

I was happy to be accepted as a chambering student of Mr. Dalip Bhagwan Singh, famously known as Bhagwan Singh, by all the senior criminal lawyers and Judges. The first time I met him was during my attachment in Shah Alam Sessions Court. To be specific, during a criminal trial in the Sessions Court in front of Tn Mokhtaruddin (now known as Y.A. Hakim Dato' Mokhtaruddin, a Court of Appeal Judge).

When the case was adjourned, Mr Bhagwan Singh saw me writing something in my notebook. He, then, approached me and asked what was written it that book. I told him I wrote his name so that I will remember him and all his trapping questions to the prosecution witnesses. He read it and said to me, "You want to be like me?". I said "No...I want to be "Suzana Norlihan Alias" the great criminal lawyer. To hold that title I have to be your student." He smiled at me and gave me his namecard. He said, "Make sure after you graduate you come and join me".

I did... In fact, I went through an interview with him. I was the only female student who attended the interview. When he saw me, he said, "I will always remember you not because of your looks but because of your spirit". However, he asked me why I want to be a criminal lawyer because a lady is not suitable for the job. I said I want to be rich. He was surprised and asked why. I want to be rich in experience, knowledge, friendship and definitely in money. My answer was totally unexpected to him and due to that I was accepted as his chambering student.

The first day.... I thought I will be trained like my other friends in other legal firms. I thought I will have to do research for him or follow him to court or clerical work in the office. NOOOOOO.... When I arrived at his office at 7.30am, he asked me to buy him nasi lemak and teh tarik... Okay, I told myself that I can do that.. Wait till you read what's next...

Then, after I gave him his favourite breakfast, he told me to stand in front of him. He said, "Tell me young lady, what are the elements that a prosecution must prove in a theft case?". I was blur... Nak ingat macam mana? Subject tu belajar masa 3rd year di UIA... I scratched my head while saying, "Mmmm...". To my shocked, he shouted at me saying, "BLOODY HELL, GET OUTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!". His driver, Abg Bahari, came into his room and shoved me out. Outside the room, Abg Bahari said, "Pegi balik. Baca dan hafal apa yang dia tanya, esok kamu datang balik.". I was still shocked and embarrassed because everyone heard his shout. Malu siooot...

The next day, I came to his office feeling confident that I could explained all the elements of theft. To my surprised again, he didn't even mentioned about theft. Instead, he asked me about elements of cheating. I was again being cursed by him and was asked to leave.

Well, that same scenario happened for 3 months. What did I get being his chambering student? Well, after that 3 months, I am an encyclopedia of criminal law, criminal procedure and evidence law. Never imagined that during my studies.

Now, after 14 years in this arena, I realized that Mr. Bhagwan Singh was right in his way of training me to be a good criminal lawyer. What he said to me back then was also true till now. He said, " Suzana, first time saya nampak you, saya tau you adalah diamond. Tapi, itu diamond tak boleh guna and takde value sebab belum dipolish lagi. Bila sudah polished, masih tak guna sebab belum ikat pada cincin atau loket. Sudah ikat pada cincin atau loket, juga masih tak guna kerana belum ada orang yang mau pakai. Bila ada orang sudah pakai, baru u betul-betul diamond yang ada value dan bersinar.". He also said to me, "Di luar sana ada ramai lawyer tapi saya mau you jadi lawyer yang bila dicampak dalam lautan kes, you boleh terus berenang tanpa perlu pakai pelampung macam lawyer-lawyer lain walaupun itu first time you berenang." I shared his words with you because all of us are diamonds whether we realized it or not. We just need to polish it so that we shine. Once shine, believe me, no one will forget you.
I really miss him. He is a great master, strict teacher, kind and loving father, best friend and great and awesome lawyer to me. He was in his 80's when he taught me but his mind was fresh, full of ideas and knowledge. I felt sorry for him when I rejected to be his partner right after I was called to be Bar as a lawyer. Instead, I took a crazy step by opening Suzana Norlihan & Co. He is now living in Australia and enjoying his life with his family after many years of tiring practice and his cases being reported in the Malayan Law Journals and others. He is a good friend of  late Mr. Karpal Singh and I am honoured to have known them, both.

This is my story... But what I want to share here is that to be a master in your field, you have to master yourself i.e. to be able to fight back whatever obstacles, temptations or even giving up hopes in achieving your goal or ambition. For 3 months, I had to bear the embarrassment and difficulty in memorizing all those sections and codes of the Acts. I never gave up or even thought of surrender. But now, I can lay back and smile at myself while tapping my shoulder and say, "Good Job Suzana Norlihan Binti Alias". I, too, want everyone to smile and tell themselves they have done great things in their life.

I am still learning and not as good as late Mr. Karpal Singh or Mr. Bhagwan Singh or others not mentioned here but I am proud I have sat and stood side by side with the two legends and others in courts fighting for justice.

I am sorry to those students who wanted to be my chambering student. I don't think I can hold the title "master" to all of them since I am still seeking for improvement and knowledge. There are still many more outstanding and great lawyers out there for you to tap their brains. 

However, please remember, be grateful to Allah, be humble and try to help others with what you have because Allah already selected us to be in our position now with reasons behind it.



  1. I have stumbled upon your blog by a chance. Am so inspired by your writing and life experiences. I am also against the death penalty. Alhamdulillah for Malaysia to have a wonderful criminal lawyer like yoy and May Allah bless you and family always. Keep your blog posts coming ya
